"Go forward in life with A TWINKLE in your eyes and A SMILE on your face, but WITH GREAT PURPOSE in heart." -Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Still Standing, Amazed

Where do I even begin in explaining to you guys of all of the blessed miracles that have come over these past couple of weeks? Let’s start with my health, for the sake of mom’s sanity ;) To be honest, when I found out about my ulcers my supply of “Good Cheer” went out of stock. I just thought, “Really, another health barrier? All I want is good health so that I can work at full force for my last six weeks of the mission.” In the same moment that I started feeling bad for myself, the Lord quickly whispered to my heart, “You can’t expect to be less tried just because you are finishing you mission.” DUH HERMANA NORTH! And that was just the reminder that I needed to get back up on my feet and do what we encourage all of our loves to do when they feel weak- Apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ. As I have done so, along with the help of various priesthood blessings, the Lord has given me the strength that I lack to be able to work, work, work at full force aside from the pain that I feel (just like I wanted to); and that my friends is a MIRACLE. These past weeks Christ has become a more real companion to me that ever before on my mission. I have felt His presence and strength in the streets of Chile, even more strongly, as I have been able to push through the pain for the sake of saving souls and bringing them joy. And all I feel at the end of each day is Grateful and Amazed at the love Jesus offers me. I love my calling- I am truly, oh so holy-wow blessed!
Now for the update on the miracle that are occurring with our loves here in Poeta Neruda. Lots of things have changed; People have changed for the good and the bad, but opposition in all things right? As for the bad, after all is said and done, I just feel comfort in knowing that the Lord has a perfect plan that is completed in His perfect timing. For example, even though our love Nancy decided to return to the traditions of her old church, in God’s perfect timing she will remember the spirit that she felt in church and all of the lessons that we had together and know exactly where to find the joy that she longs for. These past couple of weeks we have seen a handful of our very loved investigators take steps backwards. But like I said, we have also seen so many blessed miracles. Families are coming back to church, inactive loves are receiving their temple recommends (my favorite), new investigators are progressing and the work with members is BOOMING. Actually, yesterday I had the opportunity of witnessing a HUGE tender mercy of the Lord while we were on divisions with the members. I got to go out with two (not just one) lovely Hermanas, Maritza, who was just baptized last week and Maria who is our super star investigator. Imagine that! The spirit filled the rooms of each home that we stepped in as we taught and testified of the gospel of Jesus Christ together.
Thank you dearly for all of your concern and love and support. I hope that I can extend the same to all of you guys back home. I love you guys, you’re in my prayers always. Have a super week and keep doing the good stuff that brings joy. Like I’ve always said, it’s the little things in life J
Abrazos y Besitios, Hermana North
Picture 1: the river in front of our house after the rain

Picture 2: Hermana Leavitt always somehow manages to crash our parties. Im totally okay with it ;)

Picture 3: Noche de Hogar with Familia Caseres and Omar and Miguel -our Modern Family.